Purple Bush
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Purple Bush is a indica cultivar that has an average of 18% THC content. Consumers report this cultivar has prominent berry, flowery and sweet flavors. Purple Bush’s dominant terpene is caryophyllene. A majority of consumers report feeling relaxed when consuming Purple Bush. A common negative side effect of Purple Bush is that consumers feel dry mouth. HashDash users report relief from insomnia and stress when ingesting Purple Bush.
Top Reported Effects
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Alleviates symptoms
Helps with conditions
Flavors and Aroma
Consumed by 5 peoplesweet
Consumed by 4 peopleflowery
Consumed by 3 peopleIs Purple Bush strong?
Purple Bush has a THC percentage of 18%. Newer consumers may consider this a medium-THC strain. While THC content varies, Purple Bush may be a good entry strain.
Experiences vary depending on the consumer. Tolerance level, lifestyle, diet, and growing method all impact how a strain makes you feel.
What does Purple Bush smell like?
HashDash platform users indicate that Purple Bush smells like berry, due to its terpenes profile of caryophyllene.
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