Industry Spotlight: Wana Brands
Next up in our industry spotlight series comes the awesome company Wanna brands. Read on to find more about this awesome company: who they are, what their products are, and where you can get some.

Next up in our industry spotlight series comes the awesome company Wanna brands. Read on to find more about this awesome company: who they are, what their products are, and where you can get some.
We’ve done industry spotlight articles on brands like PAX Vapes, Dosist, and Keep the Smart Stash Box. We’ve received some good feedback on these articles, so we are continuing to produce more. Wana Brands is a company that produces high-quality cannabis-infused products. Wana was a pioneer in the cannabis industry, forming in Colorado in 2010.
One of the main areas in which Wana has been innovative as a brand is their focus on bioavailability. This means how effective a chemical compound is absorbed into your bloodstream. The better the bioavailability is, the faster and more efficiently it works for the consumer. This also leads to better consistency and predictability in products with a high rating of bioavailability, which will only continue to increase in importance as the cannabis industry grows and evolves. The reason for this is because it is common knowledge that vaping and smoking deliver the effects of cannabis much quicker than edibles. However, brands like Wana are doing their part to change this, which is just one reason why we love this innovative brand.
Another reason why we support amazing companies like Wana Brands is that they give back to causes and charities that we support wholeheartedly. This is something that Wana has been doing for ten years. Most recently, Wana got involved with the Last Prisoner Project and has been donating partial profits to the organization. The Last Prisoner Project is dedicated to releasing all those who are currently incarcerated for a cannabis crime alone.
Wana’s products are available in the majority of dispensaries in Colorado and can also be found in other states - see below. The brand has experienced a growth rate of over 250% in three years. Wana Brands is the “#1 Edibles Company in the Country, according to a BDSA 2019 Brand share Report.
"One of the main areas in which Wana has been innovative as a brand is their focus on bioavailability. This means how effective a chemical compound is absorbed into your bloodstream. The better the bioavailability is, the faster and more efficiently it works for the consumer."
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Wana Products
Wana’s most popular product is currently their gummies, which are sold in a variety of different formulas and flavors. This is because Wana gummies are the most widely available product, with only Colorado offering others. Medical patients and recreational consumers will have different access to products, depending on which state they are in. As Wana grows, they will no doubt look to expand into other states while also offering their current markets the option to choose different products besides gummies.
Right now, the state of Arizona has medical cannabis. The Wana Brands currently sells their famous sour gummies in the state. They are available in flavors like blueberry, mango, raspberry, strawberry lemonade, and watermelon. The potency ranges from medium to high THC, to 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC, to 5:1, all the way up to a high dose of THC (30mg).
Wanna products in California are similar to that of Arizona, with only gummies available for purchase at this time. The difference is that California residents have access to recreational gummies, which contain different formulas than that of the medical.
In Wana’s home state of Colorado, seven sour gummies are available for medical purchase, with 2 for CBD - in various flavors, of course. For recreational consumers, the bioavailability of their products comes into play with their innovative fast-acting gummies, available in indica, sativa, and 1:1 CBD to THC. Recreational consumers in Colorado can also purchase tarts with the same infused content in various flavors, as well as drops. Wana also sells eight different 510-threaded vape cartridges in various flavors and cultivars and offers disposable vapes as well.
For medical patients in the state of Illinois, there are five different kinds of Wana’s famous gummies available in various flavors and cannabinoid content. For recreational consumers, the same is true, although their formulas for recreational gummies are different.
For both medical patients and recreational consumers in the state of Michigan, there are only gummies available in four different flavors, formulas, and cannabinoid content.
Medical patients in the state of Ohio have their choice of seven different gummies that come in different flavors, formulas, and cannabinoid content. Ohioans have the option to pick the micro-dose gummy 10:1 formula, which contains 10 mg of CBD and only 1 mg of THC. This would be a great choice for pain management without getting in the way of going about your day.
HashDash: Spotlighting the Cannabis Industry’s Top Brands
We don’t seek to get paid from the majority of the companies that we highlight in our industry spotlight series. Not too many websites of any kind will give companies free advertising, but that’s basically what we are doing! Why do we do that?
We do these articles because, like you, we are always looking for the best cannabis products! We are responsible cannabis consumers who love spotlighting companies who excel in the industry. Everyone wants to know the best products to try, and here at HashDash, we are building that source and database for you.
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