How-to Guide: Enjoying Social Tonics
Are you thinking about trying a cannabis-infused, microdosed beverage? Here’s everything you need to know about enjoying social tonics.

Are you thinking about trying a cannabis-infused, micro-dosed beverage? Here’s everything you need to know about enjoying social tonics.
In July 2020, we called cannabis-infused beverages “A Lucrative Part of a Growing in Industry” right here on the HashDash blog. Fast forward 14 months later, canna-bevs are still as popular as ever, with no end in sight.
We also said in 2020 that microdosing cannabis is the future of consumption, and this is another prediction that we are seeing come to fruition. Not to toot our own horns, of course.
If you’re reading our how-to guide on enjoying a social tonic, obviously you’ll want to know what we think are some of the best products out there. Say no more…
Shoutout to Cann (@drinkcann)
Of course, we can’t write an article on social tonic microdose cannabis beverages without tipping our proverbial caps to Cann, who essentially coined the term. We don’t get paid to say this, but there’s a reason why Cann has established itself as an “industry leader” — not that we’re thrilled with that particular term. But we digress.
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Not only does Cann put out tasty beverages with just the right mix of THC (2mg) and CBD (4mg), they do so with some of the sexiest packaging in the game. They are also conscious of sustainability and social equity in the cannabis industry. Plus, their social posts are pretty humorous, which is a trait we’re always here for. Again, we don’t get paid to say this, but Cann — feel free to hit us up.
A HashDash love letter on enjoying cannabis-infused beverages would not be complete without a mention of our other favorite canna-bev brand, Tinley’s. We won’t go into too much detail about this incredible brand, because we did just that a few months ago right here in our Industry Spotlight on Tinley’s Beverages.
Honorable Mention
Two of our other favorite canna-bevs include Mood33 and Dixie, although the latter has since decided to change their company name. For more information on these two brands, be sure to check out our previous cannabis-infused beverage post.
Now that you know who our favorites are, we can get down to brass tax.
How To: Enjoy a Social Tonic
How does one go about instructing someone to enjoy a cannabis beverage? This is the task at hand for this writer, so first we’re going to say what we always do after each blog post: please consume responsibly. We can’t stress this enough. If 2 mg of THC isn’t enough, we totally get it, microdosing isn’t right for everyone. We all could benefit from a tolerance break from time to time. How to enjoy a social tonic? Just do it, that’s the whole post. No, seriously.
With that out of the way. Let’s discuss our personal experiences.
We recently consumed a black cherry beverage with five mg. It was delicious, with a perfect balance of seltzer. It had us feeling mellow and calm as we were people watching. We really had no complaints, as a good microdose experience is not something that we’d ever complain about.
"... a good microdose experience is not something that we’d ever complain about."
The Need for Fewer Packaging Regulations
The only thing that we’ll even remotely complain about is the packaging when it comes to cannabis beverages. There’s an unnecessary amount of it. The plastic tray inside the mouth of the social tonic we tried, is not required at all, and won’t stop the devil’s lettuce from being consumed.
Anyone who’s under 21, please just wait until you are old enough, trust us, it’s worth it. See how easy that was?
No need for over-regulation and wasteful packaging requirements that are worse for cannabis beverages than they are for potentially dangerous opioid prescriptions. That’s it, off our soapbox.
Cannabis Consumers Want More
As legal cannabis progresses and continues to evolve, customers are clearly wanting more high-end edibles. We think cannabis should be looked at as just another ingredient to add to any dish or beverage, with some incredible side effects, of course.
It’s clear that the people want to be able to consume cannabis in public legally, evidenced by the passing of bills allowing consumption lounges and other establishments. It’s only a matter of time before we see cannabis-infused microdoses in high-end cuisine in restaurants, cafes, pubs, hotels, lounges, and so on.
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Thanks for reading! Please consume responsibly.