Discover Cultivars that May Help With Phantom Limb Pain
Here, you’ll find cultivars that may help with phantom limb pain.
Phantom limb pain will occur in the area of an arm or a leg that has been amputated. Although the limb is no longer there, nerve endings in the location still send pain signals to the brain, causing the brain to think the limb is still there. This debilitating condition can be made worse by PTSD, often experienced in combat veterans who have lost limbs.
Thankfully, cannabis can help. We’ve covered extensively how cannabis can help with pain relief and sleeplessness, and these are two of the most common symptoms of those with phantom limb pain. Talk therapy can also help patients with this life-altering pain.
Cultivars to assist with phantom limb pain
According to HashDash users, the following cultivars have helped with their phantom limb pain.
Start matching with cultivars that may help with phantom limb pain.
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