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What is CBD?

The second-most studied cannabinoid, CBD, is quickly becoming arguably the best known. What is CBD, what are its effects and benefits? We answer these questions, as well as matters of the legality of this valuable compound.

Chapter 4 · 6 min read
What is CBD?

The main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis is called THC, or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is also the most studied of all cannabinoids. Perhaps the second most studied is CBD or Cannabidiol. Here’s what you need to know about the cannabinoid CBD.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, which is most commonly referred to as CBD, is the second most prevalent chemical compound found in cannabis, also called cannabinoids. Even though THC might be more widely known, CBD was discovered 20 years before THC, during the 1940s.

Recently, CBD has become widely popular as a natural treatment for a multitude of conditions. CBD can be derived from hemp or cannabis. Hemp-derived CBD is technically legal, and may still contain trace amounts of THC. CBD that comes from whole-plant cannabis tends to contain more.

CBD has been proved to be a safe, potentially beneficial substance that can be consumed with few if any, serious side effects. These statements have been made by The World Health Organization (WHO) about CBD around the time the cannabinoid first started gaining popularity circa 2018, as a result of the Farm Bill. This bill effectively legalized all hemp-derived cannabidiol products, as long as they remain under 0.03% Delta-9 THC.

CBD impacts our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a system in the human body that plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis. Researchers are still gathering information to help us better understand the ins and outs of the complexities of the ECS, but they do know that it is associated with processes including memory, appetite, sleep, mood, and many other aspects of our daily lives.


While human trials are needed, some medical cannabis companies like the England-based GW Pharmaceuticals have conducted important initial studies on laboratory rodents. GW Pharmaceuticals manufactures a pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil that is branded as Epidiolex. This CBD oil is the first cannabis-derived prescription drug to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Effects of CBD

When people think of the effects of CBD, they often confuse them with THC. THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, and CBD is the main non-psychoactive cannabinoid. This means that the effects of CBD products will typically not produce a “high”.

CBD is attractive for many cannabis consumers because it is thought to deliver many of the potential benefits without the impairment that comes with ingesting THC. Additionally, CBD may help to counteract the psychotropic effects of THC, and perhaps work to negate unwanted, negative feelings such as paranoia and increased anxiety.

Potential Benefits of CBD

The benefits of CBD and THC are often similar and are used to treat many of the same ailments. However, what works for one consumer might not work for the other, and the feelings we get from cannabinoids also have much to do with what is going on in our lives on a particular day. The same is true for CBD benefits and CBD effects.

A perhaps underreported CBD benefit is its ability to produce a profoundly healing effect on the consumer. And while the effects of CBD won’t make the consumer feel high, if they are inexperienced with cannabinoids, their sense of relief may feel like nothing they’ve ever experienced.

CBD products are often consumed to help alleviate symptoms associated with conditions such as:

Is CBD Legal?

When deciding which CBD products to consume, CBD or THC, it is also important to consider its legality. Both cannabis and THC are included in the U.S. Controlled Substances Act, which means that they are currently prohibited under federal law. As of March 2022, 33 states and Washington, D.C. have enacted programs that allow medical cannabis and products to be prescribed by a doctor.

Although CBD products are legal in most states, the specifics of the legality of any THC or CBD product can vary from state to state. Be sure to check the legal status of any CBD products you take before ingesting them. Our Cannabis Industry Guide contains valuable state-based information on CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids.

Will CBD Cause Me to Fail My Drug Test?

This is one of the consumers' most common questions before taking any CBD products. THC will be detected in the urine by most standard drug tests. CBD may be detectable, depending on the drug test you take, but many drug tests are not designed to look for cannabidiol, because it is non-psychoactive.

Be sure to keep in mind that although legal, many CBD products do contain trace amounts of THC. While these amounts are small, they may still be detectable in a drug test, especially if you are ingesting large quantities of CBD.

This can also happen if the products you are consuming contain more THC than the packaging label claims, which is always a possibility. For example, some research has found that up to more than half of CBD products are mislabeled and may contain more THC than the labels claim.

Before you take any new substance or supplement, CBD included, always use caution and do your research. Cannabinoids like CBD may impact specific health conditions and can interact with certain medications. Products containing CBD might impact how your medication metabolizes your medication and should be utilized with care.

What We Learned: What is CBD?

The future is bright when it comes to cannabinoid research, and CBD is arguably leading the way. All of the cannabinoids mentioned in this guide are of importance. But a better understanding of all things CBD could hold the key to further acceptance, normalization, and much-needed unbiased research of cannabis plant medicine. Here’s what we learned about CBD:

  • Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the second most prevalent cannabinoid in cannabis, behind only THC.
  • CBD was discovered 20 years before THC, during the 1940s.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that CBD is mainly harmless and possibly beneficial.
  • CBD first started gaining more popularity circa 2018, as a result of the Farm Bill.
  • This bill effectively legalized all hemp-derived cannabidiol products, as long as they remain under 0.03% Delta-9 THC.
  • CBD impacts our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a system in the human body that plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis.
  • Since it is non-psychoactive, the effects of CBD is that it does not get you high.
  • The benefits of CBD are potentially vast, including that it may help counteract the psychoactive effects of THC.
  • CBD may help treat symptoms of inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety.
  • Another CBD benefit may help treat inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety symptoms.
  • Although hemp-derived CBD is legal to consume in the U.S., doing so may still cause you to fail a drug test.

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THC was discovered before CBD.

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CBD may help counteract the psychotropic effects of THC, and perhaps work to negate unwanted, negative feelings of THC, such as paranoia and increased anxiety.




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