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In this chapter of our Cannabinoids Guide, we discuss the effects and potential benefits of THCP, as well as the most notable study conducted on this compound.

Chapter 12 · 4 min read

What is THCP?

Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, abbreviated as THCP, is a phytocannabinoid that was discovered in 2020 by an Italian research group. This research group was utilizing cutting-edge technology known as mass-spectrometry and liquid chromatography analysis.

These fascinating technologies were designed to allow scientists to analyze plant matter more precisely. Up until recently, studies using these technologies have been done in the commercial agriculture and pharmaceutical fields.

There are conflicting viewpoints on minor cannabinoids like THCP and Delta-8 THC, both of which may cause effects that mildly mimic Delta-9 THC. Cannabis advocates say these minor cannabinoids are protected under the 2018 Farm Bill, as long as products contain less than 0.03% THC. However, prohibitionists assert that THCP should be considered an illegal substance.


The European Union has different laws placed on cannabinoids than we do here in the U.S., which afforded the Italian research team the ability to conduct this study. In the study, the researchers discovered THCP almost by accident. Subsequently, THC-P vaporizer cartridges and edible products have been gaining in popularity like Delta-8 THC.

According to the researchers, THCP could be useful for medical cannabis purposes, because of this unique side-chain in the cannabinoid’s molecular structure. Regular THC has five links in this side chain, while the researchers found THCP has seven. This means that the molecular structure of THCP appears to have acted upon CB1 receptors up to 30 times more than THC does.

Effects of THCP

Similar to Delta 8-THC, products containing THCP may make consumers feel mild effects that mimic THC. Still, both THCP and Delta-8 are currently considered to be non-psychoactive. When consumed with whole-plant cannabis products, THCP plays its role in what's colloquially referred to as the Entourage Effect, which you can read more about in our Cannabis and the Body Guide.

This phenomenon does not need to be discovered or invented, just studied in more unbiased ways. It is encouraging to see research teams using cutting-edge technology to attempt to unbiasedly study cannabis medicine, like the study in Italy done at the Military Chemical Institute in Florence Italy. Here’s what that research team found.

Potential Benefits of THCP

In the study, THCP was shown to be more active on the brain’s CB1 receptors, which make up our complex endocannabinoid system. In the relatively near future, THCP’s vital new information could be used to help patients with depression, as our CB1 receptors influence dopamine transmission.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that can impact our mood, how we feel pleasure, and influence our overall mental health. The researchers in the Italian study also noted that due to THCP’s unique molecular structure and its impact on CB1 receptors, the cannabinoid could be a useful pain-reliever. They also mentioned that THCP could help treat the decrease in range of movement known as hypomobility, often caused by patients with arthritis.

The study mentioned in this chapter that is responsible for the discovery of THCP is a shining example of the potential for cannabinoid research. We hope to see more of these types of studies done in the future.

It is important to note that just because the structure of THCP appears to have acted upon CB1 receptors up to 30 times more than Delta-8 THC, does not mean that THCP is 30 times more potent than Delta-8 THC.

There is no evidence to support the notion that THCP makes you feel “more high” than THC, or that THCP can have more impactful medicinal properties than THC. However, the studies mentioned in this chapter of our Cannabinoids Guide do show much promise.

What We Learned: THCP

THCP is yet another exciting cannabinoid that has much potential. Here’s what we learned in our THCP chapter:

  • Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, abbreviated as THCP, is a phytocannabinoid that was discovered in 2020 by an Italian research group.
  • There are conflicting viewpoints on minor cannabinoids like THCP and Delta-8 THC, both of which may cause effects that mildly mimic Delta-9 THC.
  • THCP could be useful for medical cannabis purposes, because of this unique side-chain in the cannabinoid’s molecular structure. Regular THC has five links in this side chain, while the researchers found THCP has seven.
  • This means that the molecular structure of THCP appears to have acted upon CB1 receptors up to 30 times more than THC does.
  • There is no evidence to support the notion that THCP makes you feel “more high” than THC, or that THCP can have more impactful medicinal properties than THC.
  • In the future, THCP’s vital new information could be used to help patients with depression, as our CB1 receptors influence dopamine transmission.

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The most notable study conducted on THCP was done in Italy in 2020, finding that this minor cannabinoid acts upon the brain’s CB1 receptor more than THC.




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