Five of the Most Effective Cultivars to Help Relieve Your Migraines
Migraines are debilitating head pains that derail us. Cannabis offers solid pain relief. Here, we cover five of the best cultivars to help with migraines.

Migraines are much worse than your typical headache, and the accompanying migraine symptoms are debilitating. Will millions of Americans suffering from migraines annually, many of us turn to cannabis for some much-needed release.
People who never experience migraines might think they are just like “regular headaches” that are just more intense. This is not at all the case. In addition to the unbearably throbbing pain in the sufferer’s head, the accompanying symptoms of migraines include intense dizziness, sensitivity to light and noise as well as vomiting. Some migraines are so debilitating that they render us bed-ridden for days.
According to the Mayo Clinic, an estimated total of 37 million Americans suffer from migraines at one point in their lives, with around 3 million per year. These numbers likely have increased due to the stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, migraine triggers include allergies, change of diet, stress, and lack of sleep. Over-the-counter medications like Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen might help a little with migraines, but often the intense pain often comes back. Cannabis is a versatile alternative for pain relief, and the plant medicine can help many of us that suffer from migraines. Here are 5 of the best cultivars that can help with migraines.
1. Harlequin
Harlequin is a cultivar that shows up on a few of our lists, and for good reason. This triumph in modern-day cannabis breeding has a 5:2 CBD/ THC ratio, with around 5% THC and up to 15% CBD. The clear-headed and alert feeling that comes with consuming Harlequin might help migraine sufferers get on with their days. The balance of THC and CBD is great for pain relief and ideal for those who want to try cannabis without the intense psychoactive effects.
Harlequin is a part of a wave of phenotypes that was started with the cultivar Charlotte’s Web - which was named after Charlotte Figi, a girl who suffered from epilepsy. The high CBD in cultivars like Harlequin and Charlotte’s Web helped to popularize CBD as a medicine. For most consumers, Harlequin doesn’t completely alleviate migraine pain, but it can help reduce the pain enough so we can at least get things done.
2. Purple Kush
Those of us who suffer from migraines understand that sometimes all we can do is try to relax, maybe fall asleep and allow the pain to subside. Purple Kush is a cultivar that can help with relaxation and sleep, and the numbing aspect of its medicated effects can be helpful as well. Purple Kush is as close to being a “pure” Indica as can get, with up to 22% THC. Purple Kush is different from CBD-rich cultivars in that its high THC content and Indica dominance help soothe and numb the mind and body, which might reduce the intensity of your migraine.
3. Blue Dream
Blue Dream is a cultivar that has been a dispensary staple for years now. This classic variety is Sativa-dominant, making it a solid choice for consumption during the day. This can help migraine sufferers who need relief during the day and can’t necessarily sleep or relax at the time. Its effects are also uplifting and cerebral, and it can help relax the entire body with an emphasis on easing the mind - perfect for migraine relief.
4. Northern Lights
Northern Lights is a classic cultivar that has been around for decades, but its genetics have been recently strengthened thanks to more states legalizing. The CBD/ THC ratio in Northern Lights is about 1:1, which offers the best of both words for pain relief - especially for pain originating in the head. The relatively low THC content of 15% or under makes Northern Lights a good option for migraine sufferers who also deal with anxiety - as high THC cultivars can intensify anxiety in many consumers. Northern Lights is a medicine that consumers have been choosing for many years now, as it can help us with pain relief without the intense high that can come with high THC varieties.
5. Do-Si-Dos
Do-Si-Dos is another cultivar with a high THC content, with up to 22% THC. Its effects tend to be full-body relaxation and sedative - making it another solid choice for those of us who get migraines. Even though while suffering from migraines, we don’t really feel like smelling or tasting much, Do-Si-Dos does offer a delicious flavor and aroma.
Mileage May Vary
When it comes to suffering from pain, one of the only things that actually help is rest and relaxation, and migraines are no different. This is why we added THC-rich cultivars that help with sleep. Some migraines aren’t as bad as others, so pain-relieving Sativas can help us get on with our days and address the pain without reaching for pills. Additionally, studies show that CBD has significant pain-relieving properties, which is why we made sure to add cultivars that are rich in CBD content and have highly stable genetics.
Whether it’s CBD, Indica, or Sativa, everyone is different - and we all will react differently to a variety of cannabis. This is why we included a combination of all of the above on this list. It’s important to try different cultivars and discover what works best for you. When we arrive at that discovery, we know what to choose when the next migraine strikes.
The content on this page is provided by HashDash for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for professional healthcare advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any medical condition or ailment on your own. Always consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions about treatment. The information and products mentioned herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
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