10 Therapeutic Benefits of Cannabis You Might Not Know About
Most people understand that there are many studies indicating the effectiveness of cannabis in treating diseases like cancer and glaucoma. However, there are some benefits from cannabis that you might not know about.

By now, most people understand that there are many studies indicating the effectiveness of cannabis in treating diseases like cancer and glaucoma. However, there are some benefits from cannabis that you might not know about. Read all about them here in this article.
One of the best-known benefits of cannabis is that it helps reduce nausea and vomiting and acts as a pain reliever for patients suffering from cancer. This fact is so widespread that even the American Cancer Society admits it. Most people understand that cannabis can also be a stress reliever and help treat anxiety. Here are ten therapeutic benefits from cannabis that you might not know about.
1. Cannabis is a Bronchodilator
Flying in the face of prohibitionist rhetoric, studies have shown that cannabis can act as a bronchodilator in small doses. This means that the plant medicine decreases resistance in the respiratory airway and increases airflow to the lungs. In fact, consuming cannabis once a day has actually been linked to an increase in lung capacity. It’s important to note that this is only the case for small daily doses. In higher doses and smoking all day long will likely have a negative impact on your respiratory system.
2. Cannabis Heals Damaged Brain Cells
Note, cannabis does not make you stupid, and it does not lower IQ points. It doesn’t hurt developing young minds as much as we once thought. In fact, there have been studies that indicate certain doses of cannabis can heal the damage to the brain caused by alcoholism.
There were also trials in Australia conducted in March 2020 that were testing cannabis medicine’s potential to heal MMA fighters’ brain damage from repeated blows to the head. The results of the studies haven’t yet been published, but positive findings could be huge for all contact sports - especially ones like football where massive head injuries like CTE happen just about every week in the Fall.
3. Cannabis Helps Regulate Diabetes
Because cannabis can have a positive impact on insulin, the plant can help regulate and perhaps even prevent diabetes. Research from the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) indicates that cannabis can:
- Ease the pain of neuropathy
- Open blood cells and improve circulation
- Stabilize blood sugars
- Lower blood pressure
- Relieve muscle cramps and the pain of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
100 million Americans are now diagnosed with some form of diabetes, and perhaps tens of millions more are undiagnosed. Cannabis can help. As we often say, you can’t spell healthcare without THC.
4. Showing Promise of Treating Autism
The right dosage of cannabis can help relax the consumer and stabilize their mood. Children with some forms of autism experience frequent and mild mood swings. Initial research is indicating that cannabis oil can help with that.
5. Regulate Patients with Seizures
Patients who suffer from debilitating seizure disorders can consume cannabis to help control and regulate their seizures. There are ongoing tests to determine the effectiveness that cannabis has on epilepsy. But there have been many anecdotes from parents of children with epilepsy who say their child’s seizures have decreased significantly with cannabis oil.
6. Help Heal Bones Quicker
CBD has been linked to helping to heal broken bones faster, according to research from the Bone Research Laboratory in Tel Aviv. Research also suggested that patients with breaks who ingested CBD during the process of healing had stronger bones. This can help prevent breaks in the future.
7. Slow the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease
As we all get older, our cognitive abilities inevitably degenerate. Alzheimer’s is one of the many diseases that accompany cognitive degeneration. Cannabinoids contain anti-inflammatory properties, and these can help reduce the inflammation in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s.
8. Provide Relief to Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis experience muscle spasms that can be extremely painful. Studies show that cannabis can help provide relief from this pain by relaxing these stressed muscles.
9. Help Treat Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Cannabis helps reduce bacteria and other toxins found in the intestines that cause inflammation, and cannabis helps with that. Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and Chron’s disease can get relief from cannabis because it interacts with cells in the gut as well as possibly enhancing immune response.
10. Help Patients with ADHD to Focus
Patients with ADHD have difficulty focusing on one task at a time as well as issues concentrating and even with cognitive performance. Some patients with ADHD could benefit from cannabis by promoting focus. Many of these patients have been prescribed potentially harmful medications like Adderall and Ritalin, and cannabis is a safer alternative.
The content on this page is provided by HashDash for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for professional healthcare advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any medical condition or ailment on your own. Always consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions about treatment. The information and products mentioned herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
It is important to note that these benefits are usually best seen when patients take a controlled dosage, perhaps even a microdose. Of course, more research is needed.
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